

Hello everyone!
Today I am sharing a new layout for the March challenge at “Challenge YOUrself”.
Criteria for #63 challenge: Black and White plus Red.

In this scrapbook page I have used a photo of me holding a special book in my hands. This beautiful cookbook is packed with personal recipes and memorable stories from service users, families, staff and volunteers of The Alzheimer Society of Ireland.
I haven’t offered any recipe this time, but I have to say, it was a big surprise for me, that my suggested title for the book won the competition. “A taste to remember” – is a simple combination of the words, but it delivers a strong message. I hope that the book will become a keepsake and something to treasure for families, something that will connect generations in future.
Thanks so much for visiting my blog. Have a great day!


  1. Rima, your layout is simply amazing! Congratulations on winning the competition! The title to the book is awesome, and the cause is a wonderful one. (My mom is suffering from dementia and it can be heartbreaking at times.) The photo of you and your book is fabulous and you scrapped it beautifully. Thank you so much for joining us at Challenge YOUrself this month. We are very happy that you did!

    1. Thank you, Sharon, for your kind words, I truly appreciate them. Have a nice weekend!

  2. Beautiful layout and photo! Love your title for the book, it’s perfec! Live me some recipe books! Thank you for joining us at Challenge YOUrself, we are glad you did!

  3. Such a beautiful page. Love all the nice details! Thanks for joining Challenge YOUrself! Hugs Åsa

  4. Wow! What a wonderful capture of a very special memory! Thanks for playing along with us at the Challenge YOUrself Blog!

  5. I appreciate your kind comments very much. Thank you!

  6. Awesome layout! Thanks for joining Challenge YOUrself!
